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Chiropractor in Wentzville MO

Spine photoConveniently located on Main Plaza Drive in Wentzville, Back Pain Center loves caring for patients of all ages, including kiddos, moms and dads, and active seniors. Whether you’re seeking pain relief or feel great and want to stay that way, we’re here for you!

Your health journey becomes our priority when you enter our clinic for chiropractic care and natural health services. We want to assure you that our primary focus is tailoring our care to your specific needs, delivering just the right amount of care needed. We won’t sign you up for extended, pricey care plans here. That’s not how we operate.

A Comprehensive Evaluation

The first step is conducting a thorough evaluation to provide you with an accurate diagnosis. After we’ve analyzed our findings, we’ll speak with you about them and whether or not we believe we can help you. If we determine another specialty could better address your needs, we will refer you to a trusted practitioner outside our network. It’s our commitment to ensuring you receive the best care possible.

If we believe we can help you, we use evidence-based techniques to transition you from discomfort to a state of wellness. Once we’ve brought about this initial improvement, our subsequent objective is to sustain your well-being and proactively address any potential future concerns.

Our Health-Promoting Services

You can take advantage of the following at our Wentzville location:

Rejuvenate Your Health Starting Today

You deserve to feel fantastic! Contact us to schedule an appointment. Call (636) 856-1260 today!



Chiropractor Wentzville MO | (636) 856-1260