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acupuncture needles

Dry Needling

Available at all three locations O’Fallon, Hannibal and Wentzville

Do you find yourself feeling “tense” too often or dealing with tendonitis? Think you have one too many knots in your shoulder? At the end of a long work day, are your shoulder blades burning?

There’s good news-we’ve got something just for you.

We’re proud to now offer dry needling, a natural approach to tense and tight muscles that can bring relief nearly immediately. Discover below how it can help you.

Dry needling involves the use of an acupuncture needle, but goes far beyond traditional acupuncture. In a dry needling session, the needle is inserted deep into your problem area to activate the muscle and release myofascial trigger points.

This quick and pain-free session is offered in the comfort of our practice, and brings many benefits to patients, including pain relief, better movement, and re-injury prevention.

Many patients don’t find dry needling to be painful. During a session, the treated area may tense up briefly, but will relax upon needle removal. Some patients describe the feeling as a mild pressure.

We’ve treated numerous patients who’ve had success after just one or two sessions with us, however, each patient is unique and will have a completely custom care plan for their specific needs. On average, excellent results may be achieved in roughly 3-4 visits. Because it’s possible to be slightly sore following an appointment, we’ll never over stimulate the problem area.

Learn More Today

Ready to find out if you’re a candidate for dry needling? We’d love to see you in our practice soon. If you have questions, feel free to give us a call!

You don’t have to live with tension–contact us today to book a visit!


Dry Needling O’Fallon, Hannibal and Wentzville MO | (636) 978-5511